
Every member of NIPC Law is required to adopt and implement a complaints policy in the following terms. If you have any reason to complain. you may:

  • complete the Online Complaints form;
  • contact Jill Hayfield, our chambers manager, on 0800 862 0055 during normal office hours; or
  • write to the barrister at NIPC Law, the Media Centre, 7 Northumberland Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1RL, United Kingdom.

We hope you will never have cause to use this remedy but we shall certainly investigate any complaint you may make if you do.

“1.       My aim is to give you good service at all times. However if you have a complaint please let me know as soon as possible, by telephone or in writing.

Complaints made by telephone

2.       If you wish to make a complaint by telephone I will make a note of the details of your complaint and what you would like done about it. I will endeavour to resolve matters with you on the telephone if you wish; alternatively you may prefer to write about your complaint (see below). If after discussion you are satisfied with the outcome I will make a note of the outcome and the fact that your are satisfied. You may also wish to record the outcome of our discussion.

Complaints made in writing

3.       If your complaint is not resolved over the telephone or if you do not want to make a telephone complaint please write to me. Please give the following details:-

  • Your name and address
  • The detail of your complaint
  • What you would like done about it.

4.       I will normally reply to your letter within 14 days of receiving it. If that is not possible you will be given a date by which I will reply.

5.       I hope that you will use this procedure. If you would rather not do so or are unhappy with the outcome you do have the choice of taking up your complaint with the Legal Ombudsman.  You can write to him at PO Box 15870, Birmingham, B30 9EB or call him on 0300 555 0333.”